Our President and Deputy Chairman of the IEBA, Cel O’Reilly & Dan Fisher, were invited to speak at the AEW Awards in Clayton Hotel in Liffey Valley on the 8th of May 2024.
The Association of Electrical Wholesalers (AEW) Awards lunch acknowledges the work of the member wholesalers within the group whose recycling and training accomplishments set them apart from others within their industry.
The invitation from Ken Legros of the AEW gave the IEBA the opportunity to be interviewed by TV sports presented Des Cahill to discuss what the charity does within the industry for the industry and also to explain the forthcoming cycling event, fundraiser, by the Irish Electrical Cycling Committee (IECC), the Dash of the Derg on the 20th of September 2024.
One of the charity’s committee members Noel Simpson, of NJ Simpson Electrical & Co., was acknowledged by the AEW and was awarded a Special Recognition Award for his work within the AEW and the IEBA. Congratulations Noel; we are all very proud to have you as an important part of our Appropriations Committee – keep up the good work!